21 days of bloggers life
Yes, am going to be writing without miss for the rest of the 21
days. It is not like I will discontinue later, but I may possibly skip on some
odd days. Now wondering why 21 days, it was a suggestion from a friend of
mine who thinks I need to write more often (I have been lazy and did not write
much) and I think so too.
Ok what do we write about for
21 days is a big question to ask for, anything and everything I want to write
goes in here.
Let me try to write something about
myself first, am a simple super complicated girl. I think just like everyone
else. Now you wonder how someone can be simple yet super complicated, ho it is very
easy. Let’s take an example you have a pile of unwashed clothes, its bright
sunny morning, no power cut, enough water, washing machine is in good working
condition, all supplies required for washing are also available but you are
lazy to put the clothes to wash and dry them. But instead you start complaining
that how much ever you earn everything goes on shopping but still end up having
nothing to wear at the right occasion. Don’t you think this is super simple yet
complicated problem? That is how I am.
I love the way I live my life,
if things are not complicated I don’t feel the challenge to make a move. So I
complicate things or say at least I act like am facing hell of a life and
finally with that simple solution now pretend that I won the most significant
battle. It is not strange behaviour, no not at all. Every person is unique and
has their own way to lead the life, and that style makes them special. We must
never force others to follow our path to lead their life, you never know what
they are going through unless you step into their shoes.
Only motto I follow is
"live happily and let others live as happily as they want to be", it
is really as simple as that. The day we understand this simple logic I think
world will be happier place.
This is my blog for the 21day
challenge, wait for tomorrow lets have more topics to talk about and it will
get more intense.
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