Birthday cake dilema, sorted.

It is the little one`s birthday and so the baking dish has to be out of the rack. While I craved for cheesecake, we talked over making an amazing peanut butter and chocolate layered cheesecake. The excitement of satisfying my sweet tooth was overwhelming and I was fully prepared as the plan was made that I start preparing for it 3 days prior so that I don't have to worry on last. But all the imaginary satisfaction that I had created in dreams was shattered when little one announced: " cheesecake, cheeeeee no I want only proper chocolate cake". Probably she had a vision of one of those cakes on the isles on cake shop where they stack up varied coloured and shaped cakes. But the mom in me did not agree to give up into those sugary indulgent cakes but was in a dilemma now. It was her day so better not disappoint her, finally, I gave in and agreed to make a double layered chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Hearing this sad face changed ...