Love, how much is enough?

Lets talk about love today, is there anything as enough love for a lifetime. Not necessarily, initial love feeling it always starts with sweet and nice gesture, happy feeling, increase in heart beat and the urge to stay in that moment to savor every bit of it. Only to realize that all this fades much faster than it happen, sweet feeling turning bitter, love turning to hurt and finally engulfing you into the darkness. Love is that one feeling which if left to starve and not nourished enough can die immediately. You have to nourish it everyday with your kindness, appreciation, care, respect, dignity and mostly love. Any amount of love you shower is never enough as it can never be measured giving all you have to the one you love matters most. However never pour all your love for other person if that person inturn isn't giving the same back to you. Make sure that reserve love of yours never goes to wrong person save a lot of it for yourself first. When you see that you are ...